
Safeguarding the Witness ~ Review with Excerpt

Safeguarding the WitnessSafeguarding the Witness
The Protectors
By Laurie Winter

Kayla Swartz’s return to Snowberry, Montana, was a last-minute trip after a call from her estranged father. Her little sister is in need of someplace to stay. And Kayla answered the call, but when she arrives, her father has been murdered. 

Worse, the killer was looking for something - stolen jewels. Could her father's old ways have again gotten him into trouble? Trouble that he couldn't get out of this time. 

But Nicholas Galanis, Kayla's high school boyfriend, claims that her father had changed. But after years of living under the shadow of her father's ill reputation, she has a hard time believing he could have changed. And when someone makes a threat against Kayla and Olive, Kayla turns to Nicholas for help. Their lives depend on staying one step ahead of the killer. And this killer isn't going to back off until he gets what he thinks Trevor Swartz gave to his daughters. 

In Safeguarding the Witness, Nicholas and Kayla have to deal with their shared past - one that resulted in their plans for the future going completely off-track, and Kayla was the one everyone blamed. 

This book is part of the Love Inspired Suspense series, and as such, you know that you will get a clean read without getting the story lost in a lot of graphic details. The story opens by jumping right into the action. Something was very wrong. How could this not draw you in? What was wrong? And not only was it wrong, but it was very wrong. And from here, it just ups the tension and builds to the climax. This is not to be missed if you are a fan of Love Inspired Suspense or Christian Romantic Suspense.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

About the Book

Title: Safeguarding the Witness
Series: The Protectors
: Laurie Winter
Publisher: Inspirational The Protectors Collection (Love Inspired Suspense)
Release Date
: April 25, 2023
: Christian Romantic Suspense
A treasure worth killing for…  
Unless the bodyguard can protect them 
Kayla Swartz’s return to Snowberry, Montana, has been a living nightmare. She found her estranged father murdered, and unless she retrieves some missing jewels, Kayla and her three-year-old sister could be next. With nowhere else to turn, Kayla entrusts their lives to bodyguard Nicholas Galanis. But is hiding at a remote cabin in the mountains their best chance to survive…or the perfect opportunity for an ambush?

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ChristianBook | Bookshop/IndieBound | BookBub

Laurie Winter

About the Author

Multiple award-winning author Laurie Winter is a true warrior of the heart. Inspired by her dreams, she creates authentic characters who overcome the odds and find true love. She keeps her life balanced with jogging and binge-watching true-crime shows. When not pounding the pavement or the keyboard, she's enjoying time with her family, who are scattered between Wisconsin and Michigan. Laurie has three kids and one fantastic husband, all who inspire her to chase her dreams.

Connect with Laurie by visiting lauriewinter.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.


Kayla raced outside after Nicolas but couldn’t react quickly enough. The blast caught her off guard, knocking her off the front stoop. She tumbled down the stairs and landed on a patch of brown grass. Her ears rang, and she pressed her hands over them to muffle the sound. She blinked, trying to soothe the sting of tears.

Nicolas! her mind screamed. He’d been close, too close. If he was hurt—or worse… Kayla halted her anxiety-producing theories. She pushed herself back onto her feet. Her vision narrowed in on Nicolas’s large form sprawled on the front lawn. He’d always seemed indestructible to her. Please let him be okay.

The front door swung out, and Detective Reimer sprinted out, barking orders into her cell
phone. She skidded to a stop by Kayla. “Are you hurt?”

Kayla shook her head. “No. Nicolas was near the blast.” 

“Emergency services are on their way. Stay here.” Detective Reimer left Kayla with firm instructions before heading to Nicolas.

Nicolas would be all right. He had to be. The alternative clawed inside her.

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