Showing posts with label Cedar Fort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cedar Fort. Show all posts


Enduring Promises of the Heart ~ Review with Interview, Snippet and Giveaway

Enduring Promises of the Heart
By Valerie Loveless

The entire community of Pleasant View is completely caught up in the serial that the Gazette is running and Mary Clarence is no exception. Mary pretends that the adventures that Lavender and John have no impact on her though she's been known to hide the Gazette when others walk into the room. But when she hears from a friend that the author Penelope Pottifer may be a pen name to hide the author's true identity she is determined to discover for herself just who this author is. Along the way she drags her good friend Liz Black into her search for the truth.

Liz loves all the attention that the Gazette featurette is garnering and all the varying opinions everyone has about Lavender and her less than lady-like exploits. But Mary's constant criticism of the story makes her a little concerned about telling Mary all she knows about Enduring Promises of the Heart.

Join the residents of Pleasant View as Enduring Promises of the Heart enchants, delights and utterly captivates its readers. As Lavy and John experience their own woes and troubles Mary and Liz likewise suffer from their own matters of the heart.

I love the utter unbelievability of the serial portions of this book. I can totally understand why Pleasant View was under its spell as the very impossibility of pirates, runaway hot air balloons, forbidden romances and more allow them to escape the known for adventures they would never otherwise experience. And I love Liz with her insecurities where Peter is concerned and how her tongue seems to fail her whenever he is near.

Get ready for some sword fighting romantic consternation with Enduring Promises of the Heart a story within a story that just might capture your fancy too!

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I offer my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

Author Interview:
1) What author past or present would you love to sit down with and spend the afternoon getting to know?

Mark Twain, I find him very fascinating and would love to ask him about his process and about who he is as an individual.  There are a lot of quotes by him floating around that make him seem like he was very enlightened and thoughtful individual and I would like to know if that is true.    

2) What is your favorite book that you wish others would read too?

I wish people would read more history books outside of school.  Textbooks are watered down versions of history and I don’t think the average person gets the nitty gritty of history and therefore, finds it boring. It’s not boring.  One book I’ve found so fascinating is called He Walked the Americas by L. Taylor Hansen. In terms of fiction, I think everyone should read 2001 Space Odyssey and Pride and Prejudice.  Be well rounded.

3) Which character in this book is your favorite and what trait of theirs do you most admire?  

Mary Clarence is my favorite.  She’s really saucy, but also really loving.  She spends a lot of the book feeling heartbroken and I think we’ve all been there, and in the end she uses her experiences to pull through and make better choices.  I’ve watched some people make the same bad choices over and over again and I think it’s an admirable trait for one to learn from their mistakes and move on quickly.
4) What one question do you wish you were asked and how would you answer?

What do I plan on next?

For now, I am focusing on the second installment of Enduring Promises of the Heart.  I feel like there is still a bit more story to tell. I am also working on a short story series that is a prequel to the novel.  I am focused on giving the reader the story that they want -- Even if they don’t know it. You may not realize when you pick up my book that you are in for an adventure and will have lots of laughs, but I think it’s the kind of soul food we all need from time to time; A breakaway from the usual; A stop off the bus of the mundane.

Enduring Promises of the Heart Blog Tour

About the Book

Enduring Promises of the Heart
Genre: Adult, New Adult, Historical, Romance Publisher: Cedar Fort
Publication date: February 8, 2019

“What if I told you there is a way that we could all be happy? That if I were to propose to you, your father couldn’t deny us?” “What is it, John? Tell me!” Just then the basket hit the water and the sea began to stream in through the spaces between the reeds. This was the end.

The year is 1887, and the small community of Pleasant View is abuzz over Penelope Pottifer’s serialized romances in the local paper. Since the release of the first volume, the thrilling story has captured the hearts and minds of the entire town— and several towns over! Each successive edition of the Pleasant View Gazette spins a breathtaking tale of kidnappers, pirates, and forbidden love.

Between volumes, however, Pleasant View resident Mary Clarence, the story’s toughest critic, hears a rumor that Penelope Pottifer is not, in fact, the author’s real name. Determined to uncover the mystery, Mary drags her friend Elizabeth Black into a hunt for the elusive author’s true identity. But fiction and reality seem to entwine when along the way, Mary and Liz discover unexpected truths, exciting adventures, and dramatic romances of their own.

About the Author

BOP_Valerie-50 (1)
Valerie has a love for stories with happy endings and bright comedy. A native to the California high desert, she now considers Utah her home where she lives with her husband, three children, and two chihuahuas. Growing up in a family of seven kids, Valerie learned to embrace her unique creativity and way of looking at the world and hopes it will enrich other's lives. In 2015 she published two children's books, Singing Not so Sweetly and Anabelle Loves Babies. She believes writing is the ultimate end-all for creative pursuits because there are no limits to what you can create. A picture may say a thousand words but a novel is usually around seventy-thousand.

The first two Chapters are available on and, there is also a prequel at that is updated often with new volumes. 


“Good afternoon,” Liz said, startling Mrs. Vohn, who was deeply entrenched in her gazette.

“Oh, Eliza, you startled me! How are you? What can I do for you today? Are you needing to withdraw for your Pa again?” 

“Liz,” Mary corrected Mrs. Vohn.

“Where?” Mrs. Vohn searched the room with her eyes.

“Please call me Liz, Mrs. Vohn. I’ve never taken to Eliza,” Liz stated.

“I’m sorry, dear. I had no idea. I swear I heard your father call you Eliza.”

“My pa has about a hundred nicknames for me, and he uses them all, all over town. Just about everyone calls me something different. One time he called me Bathsheba, and I had no idea he was talking to me!” Liz sighed. “No matter. I’m not here for my pa. We are here investigating a mystery.” Liz smiled.

“Ooh. What mystery?” Gladys whispered.

“Well,” Mary interjected, “we want to find out who wrote that story you got your nose buried so deep in that we scared the sin out of you just before.”

“Oh, well, how could I help with that?” Mrs. Vohn looked perplexed.

Mary obliged. “Perhaps if you drank less coffee, you would be less prone to fright.”

“No, Mary, with the Gazette,” Liz said, pointing to the copy Mrs. Vohn was still clutching.

Mary nodded and continued. 

“Mitzy, from the Gazette, said that Mr. Dixon deposits money into an account here for Penelope Pottifer. We were wondering if you could look up her account and tell us where she lives.”

“Well, why don’t you just get the address from Mitzy?” Mrs. Vohn said as though she had solved the whole problem.

“Well, that’s the thing, the stories come to the Gazette in unmarked envelopes. They don’t have a return address!” Mary explained.

Mrs. Vohn was disappointed. “I see. I’m sorry, ladies. I’m not supposed to give out that kind of information, you know. It’s against bank policy. We’ve got to respect our customers’ privacy. Mr. Vohn would be very upset if I told you an address. But I’m dying to know! Oh! What to do . . .” Mrs. Vohn was clearly torn between knowing who Miss Pottifer was and obeying the bank rules. She walked away from the counter toward the back desk, flustered, and then returned back to the counter in a more composed manner.  Mary gave Liz a look. Liz interpreted it as meaning that Mary found Mrs. Vohn behaving strange.

“I’ll tell you what,” Mrs. Vohn began. “I know those deposits come on the first of the month or the following day, if it’s a Sunday or bank holiday. Why don’t you come back on the first? Loiter in the lobby a little. Have some of our complimentary tea. I’ll wink at you if and when I’m helping the person that comes and withdraws from the account that Mr. Dixon deposits in. I never paid attention before, but now that I know that is Miss Pottifer’s account, I’m going to pay attention next time!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Vohn,” Mary chimed. The girls walked out of the bank together, and Liz caught the eye of Peter Latter, the dashingly handsome bank teller with sea green eyes and floppy dark brown hair. She smiled nervously as she passed. He smiled nervously back. Mrs. Vohn put her nose back in page three of the Gazette.
The balloon sank closer and closer to the choppy surface of the inky black ocean. John gently pulled the cord over and over to keep the balloon flying above the water until the flame would no longer light above them. It was inevitable that the balloon would sink and be consumed by the dark, cold hands of the sea. Lavender had no more tears to shed. She held on to John tightly and shivered. John had already offered her his coat, which she took, but it could not keep out the chill of knowing she was about to drown in the depths of the sea. 

“John, I’m sorry. I’m sorry we couldn’t be together. I want that exciting life you spoke of, but I also can’t leave my poor father. He would die a thousand deaths if I left him to operate the store alone. You know my mother died, and it broke his heart into a million pieces. I am the glue that holds those pieces together.”

John put a rough hand on Lavender’s petal-soft cheek, “I understand, Lavy. I don’t want you to hurt your father. I want you and him to be happy.” 

“It wouldn’t make him happy if I married a mountain man and left town.” Lavender paused, knowing the statement would cut him like a knife. Lavender didn’t much care that John was a mountain man, but she had been through this with her father. He hated the idea. He wanted someone like himself for his precious daughter. Someone who could take care of her, specifically by taking over the store. 

“What if I told you there is a way that we could all be happy? That if I were to propose to you, your father couldn’t deny us.” 

“What is it, John? Tell me!” 

Just then the basket hit the water and the sea began to stream in through the spaces between the reeds. This was the end. 
“I cannot read anymore! I can’t!” Sarah Clarence threw the Gazette on the tea table next to the settee, where Mary was arranging flowers on a hat. “Read it! Tell me everything turns out all right!” Sarah shouted at Mary with tears streaming down her face. She shoved the Gazette at her and ran from the room sobbing. 

“Oh, good heavens, Sarah!” Mary called after her little sister. “It’s just a bit of fiction!” Mary eyed the paper for a few moments. I wonder what could make Sarah so desperately distraught? 

“Fine. I will finish it, for Sarah.” Mary convinced herself knowing full well she was dying to know what could make Sarah so agitated. 

She read up to the point Sarah had stopped and could go on no further. A little tear had welled in her eye. How ridiculous she must look, crying over the Gazette featurette. It wasn’t even by a real author! 

“Dagum story!” Mary clutched the paper, crumpling it slightly in her tightened fists, wrenching it the same way the literature wrenched her heart. 

“Mary! Language!” her mother chastised from in the kitchen. 

“Sorry, Ma!” Mary apologized and took a deep breath. Then she wiped the errant tears from her cheeks. 
John held on to Lavender in the icy cold water of the ocean. He helped her stay afloat and rest when she could swim no longer. His powerful arms took them miles and miles while she rested on his back as he tried to get her back to shore. But the shore was not even visible anymore. 

“How do you know where the shore is? We could be swimming away from it by now or end up in the north country . . . or the south! We could end up on some savage island!” 

“I’m following the stars.” 

“You surprise me, John! A mountain man that knows how to navigate by the stars also?” 

“That is how I got to this country, Lavy. I sailed.” 

“John! You’re not from America? I never knew. What else do I not know about you?” 

“Much . . .” He was struggling to speak with the exertion of swimming. 

“Don’t talk, John. Save your strength.” But Lavender knew he had little strength left, and soon, they would sink together into the cold sea. 

A watery grave. 

Before all hope was lost, Lavender saw a light bobbing in the distance. John stopped stroking the waves and was doing his best to float and rest. 

“John! Look! It’s a ship! A ship, John!” 

It was coming straight for them. They would be saved. Lavender held John up, renewed with energy at the prospect of being saved and longing to know what it was that John could do so that she and her father could both be happy with her marrying him. 

“No. No, Lavy.” John was weak and could barely speak. 

“I don’t understand, John. They can save us. HELP! HELP OVER HERE!” 
The ship had surely spotted them as she heard men calling, “Man overboard!” But there was something strange about their speech. Then a colder shiver shot through her. Colder than the ocean waves in winter. Pirates. 

“Oh. Oh, heavens. Sarah! You won’t believe it. I promise they don’t die!” Mary was beside herself. “We are silly to get so worked up over a story. It’s not proper! Good heavens.” She threw the Gazette on the settee and went upstairs to her room for bed.


EPofH Tour Giveaway
Enter the giveaway HERE. 
Giveaway is subject to policies HERE.

Tour Schedule

March 5 Heidi Reads... 

March 11 Bookworm Lisa  

March 12 Blooming with Books  

March 13 Emily Yager 


Love and Secrets at Cassfield Manor ~ Review with Interview, Snippet, and Giveaway

Love and Secrets at Cassfield Manor
By Sarah McConkie

It was sure to be a summer they would never forget - one of anticipation. Christine Harrison is sure that she will soon be engaged to Mr. Davenport, a gentleman of the most impeccable manners and her equal in society and means to be sure. Entertaining her chosen gentleman's attention while enjoying one last summer with her sister Lizzy and dear friends Ivory and Meg seems perfect. Until Ivory invites Mr. Henry Robertson to Cassfield Manor. A businessman invited to Cassfield seems too much and that Ivory should even for a moment contemplate such a match is unthinkable.

But Henry played the role of a gentleman well, sharing his attention with not only the young ladies but Mr.and Mrs. Harrison as well. But his own fortune and inheritance he spoke not a word.  Extending an invitation to his aunt's London Summer ball is a delight they all anticipate especially the promise of many unattached gentlemen. After charming them all they were most disappointed in his sudden and unexpected departure. A departure that coincided with the arrival of Mr. Davenport and his friend Mr. Greenville.

Christine's expectations are dashed though when Mr. Davenport quits the manor without declaring himself. Was he in doubt of his attachment? Or was something else keeping him from declaring himself? At least she has a ball to distract her and the possibility that Mr. Davenport may be in attendance, well she can hope. Making the acquaintance of Henry's brother, William proves most interesting. A man more, unlike his brother, could not be found. Where Henry was happy, William seemed subdued almost burdened.

Upon returning to Cassfield, a report reaches Christine that Mr. Davenport has wed another and she is crushed. How could she have been so utterly mistaken in his feelings?

What follows is a story that isn't to be missed as Christine comes to terms with who she is in relation to who she wishes to be. And Henry's brother William he is about to become your favorite character that is if you get to know him beyond the persona that he presents to the general populace.

There are crises of the heart, true love found, betrayals, danger, long kept secrets and they all converge on Cassfield Manor in a most delightful story. Fans of Jane Austen and Regency period romance will fall in love with this debut from Sarah McConkie. This will be one book you will loathe putting down even at the final period. Highly recommended for not only one read but repeated reads.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through SLB Book Tours with no expectation but my honest review. All opinions expressed are mt own.

About the Book:
Genre:  Adult, New Adult, Christian, Fiction, Historical, Regency, Romance
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Publication date: August 14, 2018
Wealthy socialite Christine Harrison’s life seems perfect until the man she planned to marry, Mr. Davenport, proposes to someone else. Heartbroken, Miss Harrison vows never to love again, and to distract herself, she sets out to rescue a fallen young woman. Little does she know that her journey will reveal more than she expected about her friends, her seemingly perfect life, and her own heart.
About the Author:
From writing an award-wining tale of a dragon falling from the stars in the 3rd grade to regency romance written at thirty, Sarah McConkie has always had a passion for creating intriguing stories. After years of singledom looking for romance (and teaching Junior High Choir to fill up real life), Sarah began a Master’s degree in Literacy. When love finally found her, she married and became a wife and eventually a mother. After tucking in her own little princess one January evening she determined to attempt her life-long dream to write and publish a novel. Using her many years of experience in the single realm, a robust knowledge of regency classics, and a love of all things old fashioned and proper, Sarah wrote Love and Secrets at Cassfield Manor. She now lives with her own Mr. Right and her two daughters, and believes providing stimulating and moral stories promotes literacy in a world which needs more readers. This is her first novel.
Author Q and A:
1-How did you determine the setting that your book centers around? 

I have always loved the sea, and my family used to travel there a lot, so I took that love and transported it to England.

2-Where do your ideas come from - random thought, a picture, a comment, a song? 

Usually life experiences or people that I change into plot points and friends. 

3-If you could live as any of your characters which one (or two) would you be? And why this one? 

I think I would be William Robertson, my main male character. He’s so good and determined, there’s a lot I could learn from him. 

4-What two authors (1 from the past and one from the present) would like to spend the weekend with and how would you spend it? 

Hmmm...Of course Jane Austen. We would walk lovely grounds and enjoy tea cakes and I would ask her inspiration for her books, characters, and her process. Modern author? Heather Moore and I would learn how she organizes her day and all she does. 

5-What is your all-time favorite book that you want others to read and love as much as you do?
I have to say Les Miserable and Pride and Prejudice. 

6-What is the one question you wish was asked during an interview and how would you answer it? (BTW this is my favorite question)

What has been your most surprising moment with your book in print? The moment I picked up my friend’s book at Costco and realized mine was underneath it...also being sold at Costco, even though I did not know!
Or this one: What do you hope the readers learn/gain from this story? That love only works if we have hope. You must treat people and a relationship you care about like you know it will work out. Hope is what makes the difference. Also, I hope the readers see and feel that people can change and become better.

Book Snippet:
Christine breathed deeply, circling her arms around herself. As she stood among those high, stalwart cliffs, she formed a resolution. Their presence spoke to Christine once more, reminding her that she could change. She could be more steadfast in her desires. She determined then to look outward, toward others, and stop caring about herself and her status in life. She affirmed that day that she did not need high connections to validate her existence. She did not need a man to establish or promote her social standing. And perhaps most importantly, Christine resolved to never again let these base motives stand in her way of real and lasting relationships with the people around her.


Love & Secrets Giveaway
Enter the giveaway HERE.
Giveaway is subject to policies HERE.


Love at Lakewood Med ~ Book Blast with Guest Post and Giveaway

About the Book:
Love at Lakewood Med

By TJ Amberson
Genre: Adult, New Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Publication date: March 13, 2018

Savannah Drake would be thrilled about starting her final year of medical school if it weren’t
for one thing: she has to spend a month working in the emergency room with cold, aloof Dr. Wesley Kent as her mentor. When her first day in the ER proves to be a humiliating disaster, Savannah is ready to swear off emergency medicine forever. Gradually, though, she finds that the unpredictable, emotional experience of caring for patients in the emergency room is affecting her far differently than she expected – and Dr. Kent turns out to be anything but the arrogant attending physician that she assumed him to be. But just when Savannah finally admits to herself that she is falling for Dr. Kent, she learns that things at the hospital are not all what they seem. Faced with a seemingly impossible choice, Savannah must decide between her future career and everything that she has come to care so much about.

Checkout my review of Love at Lakewood Med here
About the Author:

TJ Amberson hails from the Pacific Northwest, where she lives with her husband and nutty cocker spaniel. Her most recent novels include The Kingdom Of Nereth, Fusion, and Love at Lakewood Med. When she’s not writing, TJ can probably be found enjoying a hot chocolate, pretending to know how to garden, playing the piano, or surfing the Internet for cheap plane tickets.

Guest Post: Love

Thank you for letting me join you on your blog today!

Question: why do we love stories about love?

There is no question that stories about love captivate us.
Perhaps there’s no better example of how much we love stories about love than the books of Jane Austen.  Her novels have been cherished, quoted, and adored by thousands – all over the globe – for over 200 years. Her books have been made into movies and stage productions, which have gathered their own unfailing fan clubs. Austen’s tales have been the inspiration behind spin-offs, modern-day retellings, and countless other novels.
And beyond Austen, we can cite equally influential and adored love stories as penned by other great authors, such as Shakespeare, Bronte, and Hugo.

Certainly, the love of love is not limited to literature. Music is driven by love, too – love has been the inspiration behind songs for as long as music has been sung. And let’s not forget artwork, which is also often dedicated beautifully to the subject of love.

It’s apparent that this love affair with love has been ongoing for centuries, and it continues in full force today. Romantic comedies abound (hooray!) in literature, television shows, and movies. Pop music fills the radio with matters of the heart. Social media posts about love are frequent. And even grocery store checkout aisles display those gossipy magazines that are filled with stories about – you guessed it – celebrities’ love lives.

Why do we love stories about love?

Frankly, I’m not sure. Perhaps it is because love is one of the basic emotional needs that we all strive to fulfill. Perhaps it is because love – with its ups and downs – is something universally understood. Perhaps it is because it is one of those ties that bind, and stories about love speak to our souls as much as they do to our minds.

We may never understand completely why, but I am immensely thankful for the love of love stories. I love reading them. I love writing them. And I am grateful for the unfailing support of those who have loved my stories. Thank you!!

Checkout the rest of the tour here

Tour Schedule


The Secret of Haversham House ~ Review with Author Interview, Snippet, and Giveaway

The Secret of Haversham House
By Julie Matern

Francesca Haversham is society's newest debutante and her family is one that all would love to be aligned with through a marital match. Francesca has hopes of a marriage like her parents one in which title and financial holdings play no part in the decision.

When Francesca coming-out introduces her to Langley Ashbourne, an acquaintance of her paternal grandparents, she is intrigued. And his seeming indifference to her is all the more baffling. But Francesca is determined to learn all she can about this man of mystery and enlists the aid of her childhood friend Phillip Waverly to learn more about him.

But a long-held secret is slowly making its presence known. And if this secret comes to light the Haversham family could be scorned by polite society. And with it, any hopes Francesca has of marriage could be utterly crushed in an instant.

The Secret of Haversham House is truly a delight to read. There is more than one secret that is being held tight in this family but each could have dire results if and when they come to be known.

This is, at its heart, a story about family. Does one stand by the one who has fallen beneath society's notice? Or does one rather embrace the rules and cast out one who was once held dear? These are the questions that are soon asked when the truth is used as a weapon.

I really enjoy Francesca - yes her head is easily turned with a few flattering words but she is only eighteen years old.  Her mother Emily is perhaps one of the nicest characters as she sees with her heart and not through the dictates of society.

I find the prejudices against those of another class to be something though not as outwardly common today to still be in play in the ideals of some. For some money or power is the only consideration when looking for a potential marriage partner.

I found this to be an easy read. The various storylines all came together in a most satisfying conclusion. The story is one that has a steady pace that doesn't drag or rush the reader - it is just right. Fans of clean Regency period books will love this offering. And if you're looking for some Jane Austen in-between fillers give this one a try.  I for one look forward to more works by Julie Matern in the future.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher through TLC Book Tours with no expectations of a positive review - All opinions expressed are my own.

Author Q and A with Julie Matern
1) What is your favorite method of book brainstorming? A random comment, a thought, a dream, or…?

While driving alone I have lots of thoughts that start conversations with myself. These lead to ideas for plots and plot developments.

2) If you could live in any Genre which would be? and why this one?

Definitely not Dystopia!! I guess I would have to say the Regency Romance genre but only if I was wealthy! It seems to have been a very civilized era where men were chivalrous and not afraid to dance at balls. And to have servants at my beck and call - very nice. Though I might have a problem with corsets...

3) What two authors (1 from the past and one from the present) would like to spend the weekend with and how would you spend it?

Jane Austen of course! I would take her to Bath and show her how it has changed and to the other places she knew. I would ask her how she developed her characters and how many of them were inspired by real people and whether she had ever really been in love.
Kate Morton author of Forgotten Garden and Secret Keeper. I would fly to Australia (it’s on my bucket list) and have her show me around and then grill her on how she keeps her secrets so well hidden until the end of her books!

4) What is your all time favorite book (not yours) that you want others to read and love as much as you do?

Narrowing it down to one is very hard! But I do love Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher. She has the ability to write about England in such a way that I can taste it! If I ever felt homesick I could read her books and be transported back home. She also tells sweeping tales of romance during WWII that grab the reader and don’t let you go.

5) What is the one question you wish was asked during an interview and how would you answer it?

When people ask you what you do, do you tell them you are an author?

My first book was published in 2013. It is now 2018 and I have only just been able to give that answer. Writers suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’ - feeling that we are not a REAL author. I have to tell myself that JK Rowling was still an author even when she was receiving rejection letters. The struggle is real!

About the Author:
Julie Matern is a resident of Utah. She attended the University of Exeter in Exeter, England, and graduated with a double major in French and Education. She was born and raised in England, moving to America after her marriage and is the mother of six children. She has served in the PTA for over 20 years, taught tap dance, and enjoys amateur photography. She is the author of ‘British War Children’ ( for which she received a “Recommended Read” award from the League of Utah Writers) and ‘British War Children 2: An Enemy Among Us’.
Hometown: Highland, UT


     Francesca stopped breathing as Mr. Ashbourne gently took her gloved hand in his and expertly spun her around the room, leaving her former partner spluttering at the lack of manners, in the center of the dance floor. She became dizzy at the realization that Mr. Ashbourne was actually dancing with her. 

      After several turns, he lowered his head and whispered into her ear, his nose tickling her skin and sending a thrill up her spine, causing a delicious sensation in her midriff. 

     “Are you unwell?” he asked. “You look faint.” 

      She recovered herself and observed that he had a playful smile on his lips, fully aware of the power his presence had on young ladies. Not wanting to appear as inexperienced as she really was, she blurted out, “Oh no, you merely surprised me, that is all.” 

     “Then I shall take pleasure in surprising you whenever I can as it only serves to heighten your beauty!” 

     Francesca’s cheeks burned under his scrutiny and she bent her neck to avoid his piercing gaze and gather her confused thoughts.

Giveaway is subject to policies HERE.

Tour Schedule


My Israel Trail ~ Spotlight with Snippet and Giveaway

My Israel Trail
By Aryeh Green

About the Book:
Genre:  Contemporary, Historical, Inspirational, Non-Fic, Memoir, Self-help, Religious
Publisher: Plain Sight/Cedar Fort
Publication date: May 1, 2018
Mayim Bialik calls the book a “fascinating journey” and “beautiful exploration of self and identity”. Natan Sharansky celebrates Aryeh’s “engaging passion and persistence”.
After his devastating divorce, which rocked his world and confounded his deeply-held optimism, Aryeh Green’s goal was to get his life back on track. His hike along The Israel National Trail enabled the discovery of a number of universal truths for living based on Jewish tradition.
In a uniquely moving and uplifting book, Aryeh invites you to join him on his trek, as he shares with you both a new perspective on Israel – the land, the country, its history and people – and illuminating insights from the experience.

About the Author:

Aryeh Green is a passionate lover of Israel – the people, the land, the country, and the idea. Residing in or around Jerusalem for the past three decades, Aryeh lives and breathes a vibrant and living Judaism, which affects all he does – including serving as Chief Strategy Officer of EnergiyaGlobal, a Jerusalem-based renewable energy platform for Africa; as Director Emeritus of MediaCentral, providing services for the foreign press in the region; formerly as a senior advisor to Israel’s deputy prime minister Natan Sharansky; as a backyard vintner; and as a writer, activist, husband and father.


I’m scared, standing on a thin ledge on the side of a cliff. To my left is a sheer rough wall; to my right, a drop of 30 feet or so to the river bed below. But directly ahead an angry tree blocks the way. (How does it hold to the side of the rock?) It seems threatening as it jumps in the hot wind. With about 50 pounds on my back, I’m too afraid of falling to turn around. Turn to the right and my backpack hits the rock face; turn to the left and the weight of the pack puts me off balance. And the boulders down below aren’t very welcoming.
What to do?
The trail leads into an abyss. Literally. I guess I’ve lost the path, which, while it’s happened before, has never been such a problem. Usually you just retrace your steps, find the last trail marker, and then pay a bit more attention to discover where you missed the next one. But here, on a cliff in Nachal Amud, the Stream of the Pillar connecting the holy city of Tzfat (Safed) with the Kinneret, the Sea of
Galilee, it’s just not that easy. Even with the backpack on (including the small guitar hanging from its side), just a minute or so ago I pretty nonchalantly leapt over a three-foot gap in the ledge a few paces back. But I just know—with all my casual confidence built up over the preceding weeks of hiking through Israel’s desert mountains and northern reaches—I can’t do it again.
That is, if I can even turn around on this one-foot-wide ledge.
It may be the perfect metaphor.
Sometimes you reach an impasse. Not only is it unclear what the next step is, but you’re also not sure how the heck you got there and are too scared to move. All the alternatives you can imagine are dangerous, or unpalatable, or frightening. You’re stuck, and the panic starts to rise.
Times of personal hardship, relationships, work situations, and other challenges we face test our mettle. Rabbi Herschel Schachter taught that the biblical “value” of a person in Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus, is calculated by his or her response to suffering and adversity. Elie Weisel and Victor Frankl took the personal and national horror of the Shoah/Holocaust and translated their experiences into timeless lessons for humanity. In Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl stresses the importance of having a goal to strive for, pushing us to move ahead, to take the next step, and the next.
My goal that day was to get to the Kinneret by nightfall (and not to plunge down the cliff face onto the rocks below). My grander goal was to finish what I’d started, hiking the Israel National Trail (“Shvil Yisrael”) from one end of our tiny country to the other. (It’s not that tiny—the Shvil runs some 1000 kilometers or 600 miles from the Red Sea in the South to the border with Lebanon in the North.) And after my devastating divorce, my ultimate goal was to get my life back on track, or to find a new track for myself.
I take three deep breaths—thank you, Thomas Crum—to calm down, focus, and discover the possibilities open before me; then I make a decision. Not moving my feet an inch, I lower the pack slowly to the ground, managing to lean it against the rock. Freed from the weight of the bag, I turn carefully and retrace my steps along the narrow path on the side of the cliff—jumping over the breach—and yes!—find the trail-marking high up on the rock face above an almost invisible foothold carved into the cliff. I did that ledge once with the pack, I know that; all I have to do now is convince myself I can do it again, this time in the opposite direction.
Retracing my steps, it’s funny, but when I (carefully!) heft the pack on my back, it seems somehow lighter, more manageable. It hasn’t changed; I have changed. Or rather, my attitude, my sense of self and sense of direction and purpose, my confidence and belief in my ability to walk the path, has changed.
It’s not that I’m no longer afraid; I just know I have it in me to keep going.
Sometimes we need to set aside our baggage and re-evaluate. My hike along the
Israel Trail—or my Israel Trail as I’m calling it—enabled the discovery, or rediscovery, of a number of essential truths for living. All come from the ancient wisdom of the
Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible and Jewish tradition, but at the same time they are universal and universally relevant for anyone seeking inner peace.
I was overwhelmed by the daunting challenges facing me—on the Trail, in my life, and at the national level. Every day brought a new difficulty, from scorching heat and impossible inclines to aching loneliness and crises of confidence, from news of family problems to news of terror attacks. I meditated on mountaintops and cried in dry creek beds; I wrote anguished journal entries and composed songs to lift my spirits. I looked back, and inward, and up to the night sky, and over the valley to the next mountain range, and down at the ants in the dirt, and back along the trail to see how far I’d come.
What I discovered on the Shvil was a sense of self, a sense of personal and national history…and a perspective of sorts on the human condition. These are my reflections, a meditation as it were on existence, relationships, happiness, challenges, and hope.


Giveaway ends 11:59pm MT on July 21st.
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Tour Schedule:

July 20-July 21-Heidi Reads…

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