
The Secret of Haversham House ~ Review with Author Interview, Snippet, and Giveaway

The Secret of Haversham House
By Julie Matern

Francesca Haversham is society's newest debutante and her family is one that all would love to be aligned with through a marital match. Francesca has hopes of a marriage like her parents one in which title and financial holdings play no part in the decision.

When Francesca coming-out introduces her to Langley Ashbourne, an acquaintance of her paternal grandparents, she is intrigued. And his seeming indifference to her is all the more baffling. But Francesca is determined to learn all she can about this man of mystery and enlists the aid of her childhood friend Phillip Waverly to learn more about him.

But a long-held secret is slowly making its presence known. And if this secret comes to light the Haversham family could be scorned by polite society. And with it, any hopes Francesca has of marriage could be utterly crushed in an instant.

The Secret of Haversham House is truly a delight to read. There is more than one secret that is being held tight in this family but each could have dire results if and when they come to be known.

This is, at its heart, a story about family. Does one stand by the one who has fallen beneath society's notice? Or does one rather embrace the rules and cast out one who was once held dear? These are the questions that are soon asked when the truth is used as a weapon.

I really enjoy Francesca - yes her head is easily turned with a few flattering words but she is only eighteen years old.  Her mother Emily is perhaps one of the nicest characters as she sees with her heart and not through the dictates of society.

I find the prejudices against those of another class to be something though not as outwardly common today to still be in play in the ideals of some. For some money or power is the only consideration when looking for a potential marriage partner.

I found this to be an easy read. The various storylines all came together in a most satisfying conclusion. The story is one that has a steady pace that doesn't drag or rush the reader - it is just right. Fans of clean Regency period books will love this offering. And if you're looking for some Jane Austen in-between fillers give this one a try.  I for one look forward to more works by Julie Matern in the future.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher through TLC Book Tours with no expectations of a positive review - All opinions expressed are my own.

Author Q and A with Julie Matern
1) What is your favorite method of book brainstorming? A random comment, a thought, a dream, or…?

While driving alone I have lots of thoughts that start conversations with myself. These lead to ideas for plots and plot developments.

2) If you could live in any Genre which would be? and why this one?

Definitely not Dystopia!! I guess I would have to say the Regency Romance genre but only if I was wealthy! It seems to have been a very civilized era where men were chivalrous and not afraid to dance at balls. And to have servants at my beck and call - very nice. Though I might have a problem with corsets...

3) What two authors (1 from the past and one from the present) would like to spend the weekend with and how would you spend it?

Jane Austen of course! I would take her to Bath and show her how it has changed and to the other places she knew. I would ask her how she developed her characters and how many of them were inspired by real people and whether she had ever really been in love.
Kate Morton author of Forgotten Garden and Secret Keeper. I would fly to Australia (it’s on my bucket list) and have her show me around and then grill her on how she keeps her secrets so well hidden until the end of her books!

4) What is your all time favorite book (not yours) that you want others to read and love as much as you do?

Narrowing it down to one is very hard! But I do love Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher. She has the ability to write about England in such a way that I can taste it! If I ever felt homesick I could read her books and be transported back home. She also tells sweeping tales of romance during WWII that grab the reader and don’t let you go.

5) What is the one question you wish was asked during an interview and how would you answer it?

When people ask you what you do, do you tell them you are an author?

My first book was published in 2013. It is now 2018 and I have only just been able to give that answer. Writers suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’ - feeling that we are not a REAL author. I have to tell myself that JK Rowling was still an author even when she was receiving rejection letters. The struggle is real!

About the Author:
Julie Matern is a resident of Utah. She attended the University of Exeter in Exeter, England, and graduated with a double major in French and Education. She was born and raised in England, moving to America after her marriage and is the mother of six children. She has served in the PTA for over 20 years, taught tap dance, and enjoys amateur photography. She is the author of ‘British War Children’ ( for which she received a “Recommended Read” award from the League of Utah Writers) and ‘British War Children 2: An Enemy Among Us’.
Hometown: Highland, UT


     Francesca stopped breathing as Mr. Ashbourne gently took her gloved hand in his and expertly spun her around the room, leaving her former partner spluttering at the lack of manners, in the center of the dance floor. She became dizzy at the realization that Mr. Ashbourne was actually dancing with her. 

      After several turns, he lowered his head and whispered into her ear, his nose tickling her skin and sending a thrill up her spine, causing a delicious sensation in her midriff. 

     “Are you unwell?” he asked. “You look faint.” 

      She recovered herself and observed that he had a playful smile on his lips, fully aware of the power his presence had on young ladies. Not wanting to appear as inexperienced as she really was, she blurted out, “Oh no, you merely surprised me, that is all.” 

     “Then I shall take pleasure in surprising you whenever I can as it only serves to heighten your beauty!” 

     Francesca’s cheeks burned under his scrutiny and she bent her neck to avoid his piercing gaze and gather her confused thoughts.

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