
The Empowered ~ Review

The Empowered
A Trevor Black Novel #2
By Craig Parshall

Trevor Black is planning on spending some quality time with his college-aged daughter Heather. But then he gets a call from Dick Valentine regarding the death of Jason Forester. Forester's death appears to be natural causes but someone who wants to remain anonymous has expressed concerns about this death. And those concerns target Forester's death as being the result of voodoo.

Death by voodoo? Most might scoff at such a claim but not Trevor and when he is presented with an opportunity to speak at an ABA convention in New Orleans, he takes it as a sign that he is supposed to take this case. With Heather tagging along he makes the trip to New Orleans and finds an even more complicated web of cases that may have ties to his now deceased  Assistant US Attorney.

But soon Trevor finds himself targeted by supernatural forces that seem determined to keep him from exposing the truth. And when he framed for a horrific murder he knows he has to get Heather out of New Orleans, but she has disappeared. With the other disappearances, Trevor fears for the life and the soul of his daughter. What follows is a look into the dark underside of the city one that is ruled by those who live not in the physical world but the spiritual and they are more than happy to pervert all that they can.

The Empowered is a high-powered suspense that will keep the reader gripping the book as the pages flip by. Yes, it is a little intense at times so sensitive readers may want to avoid reading within an hour or two of bed. And this book doesn't shy away from current issues that should concern all readers. fans of Speculative and suspense fiction have just met the newest attention grabber for their to-be-read list. Those who have enjoyed Frank Peretti and James Rubart might want to give this one a try. Haven't read the first Trevor Black novel (The Occupied) that's okay I haven't either and had no problem getting caught up in this book, so read on.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Tyndale House Publishers with no expectation of a positive review ~ All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Just when a mysterious death in Washington, DC, appears to have voodoo connections rooted in New Orleans, Trevor Black also receives an invitation to speak at the national ABA convention in the city.

He knows he’ll be in enemy territory, both as a disbarred attorney and as a follower of Jesus, but he determines to travel there and confront the supernatural element. Right after a grisly murder in his hotel room puts him on the suspect list, his daughter disappears, leaving a note that suggests a connection to the local cult religion. Now Trevor must not only crack the case but try to protect Heather from forces of darkness clutching at her soul as well. And just as he discovers that his ability to sniff out the supernatural has its limitations, Trevor learns that this web of evil extends far beyond isolated murders, enslaving scores of innocent children, with its head perhaps linked to the highest seats of power.
  Find The Empowered at:

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Amber Eyes ~ Review with Author Interview

Amber Eyes
Children of the Blood Moon #2
By S.D. Grimm

The time for the Children of the Blood Moon has come. The Mistress of Darkness is readying her forces for her escape. The Deliverers are the one obstacle to her escape but also the key to it. And she is having them hunted.

Logan, Jayden, Ryan, and Ethan follow their path of destiny one that will hopefully reveal the remaining Deliverers and their hidden locations. But each small victory comes with a price and some are more costly than others. Jayden and Ethan are struggling to control their new found talents - talents they fear will control them if they aren't careful. But their talents are what they need to fulfill their roles.

Ilda may be dead, defeated by Jayden but her son Franco is more than willing to take her place. And if possible he is even eviler than his mother. But there are forces moving against him that he is unaware of  - forces that have agendas of their own.

New characters come into play some pawns in this increasingly dangerous world while others drift through, their loyalties unknown. First, there is Quinn, a young woman who has been taken for reasons unknown to her. Her captors are convinced she is hiding a secret power, one that the Mistress needs in her path to freedom. And then there is Serena a healer who doesn't follow the rules handed down by the Circle. And her healing powers are beyond the norm. Twins Madison and Morgan are about to take their own unique places in this fight and it will not be what they are expecting.

The black island of Castlerock, a sick place that a monster calls home seems to be the destination that could change the world that they know. But are they prepared for the battle that is coming?

Amber Eyes is a fantastic sequel to the Scarlet Moon. The characters are growing into their new roles though not without a few bumps, bruises, and heartaches along the way. And the assassin sister pair of Thea and Kara is an interesting and unknown factor in this all.

A sorceress will come with power to destroy all the Creator has

She’ ll break the land and the people’s hearts and bring death to
those who’ d oppose her.
But hope will be found when the Deliverers rise through flame,
through ash, and heal the heart of the land.
Through blazing fire and torrent of rain, the Forest shall fall and
rise again.
Those who will deliver the land will summon the Creator’s power.
They will work as one, each having different talents: the heart
of one, soul of another, the mind of one, and strength of her brother.

The prophecy that this story is based upon is just as intriguing as the one from Lord of the Rings regarding the One Ring and from what I've read so far the villains are on a similar level of vile evilness.  As the story reaches its climax the reader will be completely caught up in this book. And just to prepare the reader there is more to come in the future! Which when a book is as good as this one was one is delighted to hear.

Fans of Speculative Fiction will be delighted in the many varied facets of this book. It is geared to a YA and adult audience who loves fantasy. I highly recommend this book but it is of utmost importance to read Scarlet Moon first or else you will be lost. And if you smell lavender beware for the Black Lions are about...

I was provided an advanced digital review copy of this book by the publisher (but have it on pre-order in paperback) with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

About Amber Eyes
Destiny can be cruel

Darkness retreated from the light of the scarlet moon, but has since grown even stronger. The Mistress of Shadows has found a new pawn—one that may be the key to unlocking the door to her underground prison. Now evil threatens to escape its shackles and destroy the land.

In the aftermath of loss and betrayal, Jayden’s fight with the enemy still isn’t over. But while she isn’t sure she can stop the Mistress alone, leaving her friends might be the only way to keep them from being consumed by the darkness.  

With lives hanging in the balance—and no time for error—can Jayden make the right choice?

Available for purchase at:

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35644585-amber-eyes

Interview with author S.D. Grimm:

1) What is your favorite method of book brainstorming? A random comment, a thought, a dream, or...?

Random comments, song lyrics, and thoughts can typically start a brainstorming session, but I get the
majority of my brainstorming done by being out in nature. The feelings I pick up there and the ideas
that pop into my head are amazing!

2) Did you always want to write Speculative Fiction or do you see a different future for yourself?

When I was a kid I either wanted to be a pro baseball player or mail carrier. But I was also writing
stories back then. When I starting writing, it was always spec. And when I started writing to pursue
publication, that didn’t change.

3) What is your go-to genre for your personal reading?

YA fantasy!! All the subgenres. ALL. OF. THEM.

4) Do you see yourself in certain characters that live within your books?

Absolutely. Every character is a piece of me. They can have my hopes, desires, fears, or they can be
things I detest or hate in the world or in people, or they can embody things I am afraid of, etc.
Sometimes they are a piece of me in that they resemble people I know or look up to. But there’s that
kernel of something that mirrors back to me somehow.

5) Do you wish you were more like a certain character that you have brought to life? And if so what
traits do you most admire in this character?

I mean, I wish I had magic or strength and speed and superior fighting skills or a photographic memory
like some of my heroes. ☺

6) Do you have more books in this series and if so how many? Or do you have another world that
you want to share with your fans instead?

There is one more book in this series. It comes out next January, and it’s written. *dances* It’s in the
editing phase now. I also have a stand-alone novel already published (Summoner) and another first in
a series that will come out in March of this year (Phoenix Fire). So yes and yes!

7) What is the one question you wish was asked during an interview and how would you answer it?

Wow. Hard one. Umm… Since the Feravolk in Scarlet Moon can bond to animals, thereby giving them
certain abilities that would be considered traits of those animals, I suppose I would like to be asked
which animal I would bond to. And today my answer would be a fox. A gray fox.

Thanks for taking time from your schedule to share time with my readers and your fans!

Thank you for having me!

About the Author
S. D. Grimm’s first love in writing is young adult fantasy and science fiction, which is to be expected from someone who looks up to heroes like Captain America and Wonder Woman, has been sorted into Gryffindor, and identifies as rebel scum. Her patronus is a red Voltron lion, her spirit animal is Toothless, and her favorite meal is second breakfast. She is represented by Julie Gwinn of the Seymour Agency, her office is anywhere she can curl up with her laptop and at least one large-sized dog, and you can learn more about her upcoming novels at www.sdgrimm.com

Social Media Links


Want to dive into a new world? Enter to win a signed copy of both Amber Eyes and Scarlet Moon, a grimmlie dragon of the dragon on the cover (made by the author), a charm bracelet (made by her Captain America), and a $10 Amazon gift card. (US only. Sorry!)

Giveaway enter here

Calling all book readers! Join author S.D. Grimm as we chat about her fantasy novel AMBER EYES on January 30th from 8 PM to 11 PM EST (6 PM CDT and 5 PM PST).

Grab your favorite drink and snack and be prepared for a fun time of chatting with SD, games, and giveaways.

Special guests Nadine Brandes, Lindsay A. Franklin, and Sara Baysinger will also be sharing their books and joining in the fun. 

Tour Schedule
Monday, January 22nd    

Tuesday, January 23rd  

Wednesday, January 24th   

Thursday, January 25th   

Friday, January 26th   

Saturday, January 27th    

Monday, January 29th  

Tuesday, January 30th

Wednesday, January 31st

Thursday, February 1st

Friday, February 2nd

Saturday, February 3rd

Monday, February 5th
Blog Tour Wrap-Up – Unicorn Quester


Forever My Girl ~ Review and Movie Trailer

Forever My Girl finds Liam Page answering the siren call of fame and success. Unfortunately he is drawn away from his hometown leaving the girl-next-door, love-of-his-life waiting to walk down the aisle.

Eight years pass without anyone in St. Augustine, Louisiana, seeing Liam and his treatment of Josie hasn't gone unnoticed. In fact, Liam's fame and success has not impressed those he left behind. When Liam hears about the death of someone he used to consider a close friend he returns home. But not to a open arm welcome.

But life has gone on without him and Josie has created a life without him. But seeing his first love brings back all he left behind. But can he rebuild what he destroyed? Liam is determined to re-win the love of his first love and that of the daughter he never knew he had. But feelings of worthlessness plague him.

This is a movie of second chances, forgiveness, and family. There are moments when one will be moved to tears as Liam faces the truth of why he ran away from those he loved most. But will he realize what he truly wants before he again blows it.

This movie is rated PG and this is an appropriate rating. There are suggestions of relational situations but nothing is shown, a few rough words and drinking which some parents might not want to expose their children to. Overall this movie a good pick for families with older kids.

I was provided an early viewing of this movie for review purposes.

About the Movie:

Forever My Girl tells the story of music super-star Liam Page (Alex Roe) who left his bride, Josie (Jessica Rothe), at the altar choosing fame and fortune instead. However, Liam never got over Josie, his one true love, nor did he ever forget his Southern roots in the small community where he was born and raised. When he unexpectedly returns to his hometown for the funeral of his high school best friend, Liam is suddenly faced with the consequences of all that he left behind.  Forever My Girl is an uplifting romantic film about second chances.  

It releases in theaters on January 19.


Missing Isaac ~ Review

Missing Isaac
By Valerie Fraser Luessse

Isaac Reynolds was the first to let Pete McLean, his mother, and grandfather know that something bad had happened to his daddy. That day Isaac became the closest friend Pete had until the night he disappeared.

Pete knows that Isaac wouldn't just up and disappear without a word to anyone. But in Glory, Alabama, the disappearance of a black man is of no consequence to the sheriff, but not to Pete's way of thinking. And Pete's determined to discover just what happened to his friend. But some thing are just impossible and Pete can't find any clue as to what happened to Isaac.

In his efforts to find Isaac, Pete meets a young girl by the name of Dovey Pickett. The Picketts don't mix with the rest of the citizens of Glory on account of their social standing and being considered by the proper people to be poor white trash. But Pete doesn't see things the way most of Glory does. He's more like his Daddy seeing beyond what is there for all to see and seeing to the heart of a person. What starts on that day is a friendship that will see him through many a day and make a lasting impact on not only his life but those closest to him. And as to Isaac the worst is feared by those who know him best.

Missing Isaac takes place between 1962 and 1968, period of turbulence and change. But through it all this a book that dwells on the value of family and the loyalty of friendship. Like most places life isn't perfect but Pete knows what is important to him and he is willing to fight for what he feels is right. No, there is not a lot of fighting in this book, rather Pete knows what should be done and he persists in his efforts.

Missing Isaac was an enjoyable read - there were periods of sadness, times of joy, and good honest living in-between. Through it all Pete stayed true to who he was and the roots he was given. Often people lament the loss of simpler times but life has always been what you put into it and that is never simpler. I look forward to more from this author in the future, if this debut novel is any indication readers will be drawn into a world that they'll enjoy staying in for a spell.

I was provided a review copy of this book by the publisher Revell through their blogger program with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Isaac believed in luck. But from Pete's point of view, Isaac's luck had all run out.

When Pete McLean loses his father in the summer of 1962, his friend Isaac is one of the few people he can lean on. Though their worlds are as different as black and white, friendship knows no color. So when Isaac suddenly goes missing, Pete is determined to find out what happened--no matter what it costs him. His quest will lead him into parts of town that he knows only through rumors and introduce him to a girl who will change his life. What they discover together will change the small Southern town of Glory, Alabama--forever.

With vivid descriptions, palpable atmosphere, and unforgettable characters, debut novelist Valerie Fraser Luesse breathes life into the rural South of the 1960s--a place where ordinary people struggle to find their footing in a social landscape that is shifting beneath their feet.

Finding Beauty in the Beast ~ Review

Finding Beauty in the Beast
By Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee

Corbin wanted a new life one away from the pain of his intended's betrayal. And he hoped to find family in the Kingdom of Laurel, the land of his birth. His one regret was leaving behind his best friend Will. But Will had just married Ella and Corbin's engagement to Francine had ended the night of Prince Kenton's ball.

Prince Kenton's ball ended Princess Rose's engagement to the prince when he chose a commoner instead to be his bride and his princess.  For Corbin, his timing for arriving in Laurel was either very fortunate or unfortunate as Princess Rose, better known to her subjects and the surrounding kingdoms as The Beast, has determined to wed a commoner herself. All eligible men in Laurel have been commanded, not requested mind you, to present the princess with a gift upon pain of death or the dungeon. The gift most pleasing to the princess will result in the giver's immediate marriage to Princess Rose.

To Corbin's surprise and that of the onlooking crowd, his gift is chosen after a series of disastrously offered gifts. But can a poor blacksmith ever win the heart of a princess that became beastly following the death of her parents? Corbin can hope but when he starts to fall into the same air of despair that the castle is suffering from he may soon become a beast too.

Can Princess Rose and Corbin move beyond the labels they've been given? Will Rose ever be anything other than The Beast? And can Corbin become more than a simple blacksmith? Looking beyond what is readily seen may be the only thing that will save the Kingdom of Laurel and the royal family...

Fans of Jessilyn's previous works (Ella and Ella's Will) will enjoy this newest fairytale twist. Yes, Ella and Will have a part to play in this story but they take a secondary role this time. Again magic is absent from this retelling but the rose is the key to everything. This is a delightful and enchanting story that one can curl up with and read away the hours to one's heart's content.

I was provided a review copy of this book by the publisher with no expectations of a positive review ~ All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Princess Rose's fiery temper has kept every potential suitor away—until now. After being spurned and humiliated for the last time the princess forces every eligible man in the kingdom to present a gift to her under pain of death. The man who brings her the best gift will be chosen as her husband.

When Corbin is summoned to present his gift, he hopes that his simple offering will keep him safely overlooked. All he wants is to return to his quiet life as a common blacksmith, away from forbidding castles and beastly princesses. But love works in mysterious ways, and it all starts with a rose. . .

About the Author:

Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee was born the fourth of seven children into a family of avid readers, music lovers, movie quoters, and sports fans. Jessilyn graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in English. She loves going on dates with her husband and playing with her five adorable, rambunctious boys. Jessilyn grew up in the beautiful high desert of Southern California and now resides in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. As you read this, she is probably folding laundry . . . or should be.


A beast. That was what they called her.

When she was in a good temper, Princess Rose's face was deceptively sweet, even
beautiful. Her large emerald eyes could appear tender, her rosebud lips touched with
softness. There was a time, some would say, that her voice was warm and full of life
and, though no one believed it, that she used to laugh.

But today, there was no hint of softness, no trace of tenderness. Her eyes blazed like
green fire and she pursed her lips until they became indistinguishable from her pale
skin. The freckles she painstakingly tried to hide glared angrily across her nose and
cheeks — cheeks deep crimson from humiliation. No tears would escape her eyes, no
quivering would touch her lips. She sat — cold and aloof her gaze fixed straight ahead,
glaring at the opposite wall of the swaying carriage.


Kiss Carlo ~ Review with Giveaway

Kiss Carlo
By Adriana Trigiani

Determined to save his village Carlo Guardinfante decides his only course of action is to set sail for America. Roseto, Pennsylvania, is his destination and a strange twist of fate changes what might have been into something different.

South Philadelphia is home to a thriving Italian-Ameican community and home to the Palazzini family. Unfortunately, the family has been split by a broken promise following the death of the family patriarch. And this divide has drifted down to the younger generation.

1949 is a time of change. The world is rebuilding itself into a new shape as those who survived the war attempt to find their place in it once again.

Nicky Castone is one of the drivers for his Uncle Dom's cab company. Having come back from the war to his fiancée Peachy DePino Nicky seems to be in no rush to tie the knot. When not driving Nicky works at the struggling Borelli Theatrical Company. The theater has a draw that offers Nicky something he's been missing in his life.

When a telegram comes into the Palazzini's Western Union office for delivery the stage is set and life for all those involved will be drastically changed - with Nicky taking center stage.

This is a story in which several generations of a family are all living together which as one might expect causes issues of its own. Many of the characters are a tad overbearing in their opinions and when it comes to Nicky's engagement everyone has an opinion on the suitability of the pair and if it will last.

My favorite character is Hortense Mooney, who works at the Palazzini's office and is the force that helps them all keep their heads in place. Hortense is an oddity in this world a woman of color in the midst of a very Italian neighborhood. Yet she has created a place for herself and when she gets roped into Nicky's crazy scheme manages to create yet another role for herself one that she never dreamed possible.

This is a story of life and the importance of knowing one heart and willing to follow it where it leads even if it is into the unknown. What lies beyond may be the key to the future but unless willing to make the first step one may never know. And as an added little fact this book does not involve a whole lot of Carlo kissing, in fact Carlo isn't in it for a majority of the book and yet his trip to America plays a pivotal role in all that transpires throughout.

I was provided a review copy of this book by the author through Italy Book Tours with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Book Details:

Book Title: Kiss Carlo by Adriana Trigiani
Category: Adult Fiction, 560 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Harper Paperbacks
Release date: January 2018
Content Rating: G (For general audience. Depictions of violence are minimal. No bad language, religious expletives, sex scenes, drug use or underage drinking.)

Book Description:

From Adriana Trigiani, the beloved New York Times-bestselling author of The Shoemaker’s Wife, comes an exhilarating epic novel of love, loyalty, and creativity—the story of an Italian-American family on the cusp of change.

It’s 1949 and South Philadelphia bursts with opportunity during the post-war boom. The Palazzini Cab Company and Western Union Telegraph Office, owned and operated by Dominic Palazzini and his three sons, is flourishing: business is good, they’re surrounded by sympathetic wives and daughters-in-law, with grandchildren on the way. But a decades-long feud that split Dominic and his brother Mike and their once-close families sets the stage for a re-match.

Amidst the hoopla, the arrival of an urgent telegram from Italy upends the life of Nicky Castone (Dominic and his wife’s orphaned nephew) who lives and works with his Uncle Dom and his family. Nicky decides, at 30, that he wants more—more than just a job driving Car #4 and more than his longtime fiancée Peachy DePino, a bookkeeper, can offer. When he admits to his fiancée that he’s been secretly moonlighting at the local Shakespeare theater company, Nicky finds himself drawn to the stage, its colorful players and to the determined Calla Borelli, who inherited the enterprise from her father, Nicky must choose between the conventional life his family expects of him or chart a new course and risk losing everything he cherishes.

From the dreamy mountaintop village of Roseto Valfortore in Italy, to the vibrant streets of South Philly, to the close-knit enclave of Roseto, Pennsylvania, to New York City during the birth of the golden age of television, Kiss Carlo is a powerful, inter-generational story that celebrates the ties that bind, while staying true to oneself when all hope seems lost.

Told against the backdrop of some of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies, this novel brims with romance as long-buried secrets are revealed, mistaken identities are unmasked, scores are settled, broken hearts are mended and true love reigns. Trigiani’s consummate storytelling skill and her trademark wit, along with a dazzling cast of characters will enthrall readers. Once again, the author has returned to her own family garden to create an unforgettable feast. Kiss Carlo is a jubilee, resplendent with hope, love, and the abiding power of la famiglia.

Buy the book:

Watch the book trailer:

Meet the Author: 

Photo Credit: Tim Stephenson
Adriana Trigiani is the bestselling author of 17 books, which have been published in 36 countries around the world. She is a playwright, television writer/producer and filmmaker. She wrote and directed the film version of her novel Big Stone Gap, which was shot entirely on location in her Virginia hometown. She is co-founder of the Origin Project, an in-school writing program that serves more than a thousand students in Appalachia. She lives in Greenwich Village with her family.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram

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