
The Beauty and the Griffin ~ Review

The Beauty and the Griffin
Faraway Castle #6
By J.M. Stengl

It's sad, but true (thank you Disney's Little Mermaid) but this series has come to an end. I've loved the Faraway Castle series from the very beginning and each book is better than the last. This isn't to say that the story is necessarily, but rather that the story world that the author has created has grown. 

I love how aspects of Beauty and the Beast are woven throughout this book. In this book we finally get a chance to meet the Gamekeeper of Faraway Castle and get some backstory about the castle and some of the characters. 

And we met Beatrice de Callen who has a unique tie to the castle one that may determine the fate of the world. Beatrice first comes to Faraway Castle as a young girl and through a trick of fate, chance, or design meets a young boy. She forms an almost instantaneous friendship with this young man whom she never sees again. As she grows she forms a friendship with the Gamekeeper and has a series of dreams in which she forms another attachment. I know it makes one think of Sleeping Beauty's I Know You

Then there is the Gamekeeper who is mysterious and always hidden in some way. You guessed it he about to have his story brought to life. And what a story it is. Just saying anyone who has read the rest of the books in this series does not want to miss this one!

When Beatrice is called upon to help protect two rare griffin eggs, she answers the call. Little does she realize just what she has gotten herself into - a war that could destroy everything she knows and everyone she loves. These rare griflets are very important to everything, but so is Beatrice and the choice her heart must make.

Did I say I love how everything comes together in this book? And yes you need to read the other books, in order, before reading The Beauty and the Griffin

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Three romantic dreams.
Two priceless eggs.
One hasty curse that may doom not only Faraway Castle but the world.

Beatrice de Callen, an otherwise sensible young woman, was foolish enough to fall in love with the benevolent yet shadowy mage known as the Gamekeeper of Faraway Castle. Worse still, she broke his heart.

But when traitorous mages steal a powerful fay artifact, magical war threatens, and the Gamekeeper vanishes, Beatrice promises her fairy godmother to help and soon finds herself escorting two telepathic griffin eggs and Winifred, their furious nanny, through a labyrinth of caves in search of the Forbidden Palace. Exhausted, Beatrice falls asleep while snuggling the gold egg and dreams of dancing with a stunning young king at his coronation ball. Have they met before?

Once the eggs guide their humans to the timeless palace, Beatrice is relieved to sense the Gamekeeper’s presence—but Win insists he is the monster that killed the last King of Adelboden!

Beatrice must not only help raise the lively griflets and watch over a girl who hates her, but also save Faraway Castle and the world by breaking a century-old curse.

Only the Golden Griffin can tell her how.

This final Faraway Castle book is an adventurous, humorous, and sweetly romantic retelling of “The Beauty and the Beast” that ties the series together.

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