
Spirits and Pacts ~ Review

Spirits and Pacts:
A Retelling of Rumpelstiltskin and 
          The Phantom of the Opera - Part 2
The Roumaterra Chronicles #3
By Erin Halbmaier

Before you read any further IF you have not read part one Songs and Spun Gold  don't read any further. Part one is a must read.

Five years ago Katy and Axel married after a rather difficult trial. Katy was forced to spin gold after her not so reliable father popped off at the mouth and criticized the king. Yeah not too smart. But it resulted in Katy and Axel marrying one another. 

But Katy made a deal that has her first born child's future out of her hands. The stranger who aided her in spinning all that gold has a claim on her child. But this child will also be heir to the kingdom's throne. Will Axel or the king ever forgive her if she has to give up her child? Of course she must first have a child and after five years the nobles are getting restless about this lack of an heir.

Axel's always been drawn to singing, to his father's displeasure. Five years ago the theater was destroyed by fire and his father refused to allow it to be rebuilt. Even worse Axel lost his mentor. After five years Lottie must be dead, but still Axel hopes to find her.

But something is happening within the kingdom. And that something is a danger to the throne. Until Katy and Axel along with those closest to them can figure out what is going on no one is safe.

I love how the author has carried the Rumpelstiltskin and The Phantom of the Opera theme into this third book in The Roumaterra Chronicles series. The reader is drawn into the story as Katy struggles with her childless state and what it means for her. This book allows Katy and Axel to further grow, but this time as a couple as they must face the choices that they have made. 

There are a few surprises along the way that add another layer to this book and provide a potential avenue for additional books in the series. The book is a clean read that retells two different stories that one would not think of working so well together, yet the author does so in a beautiful work that will engage your imagination.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

About the Book:

She married the man she loves. But at what cost?

Five years after the fire at the theater and Katy and Axel’s wedding, pressure is building because of their childless state. Katy’s feelings are mixed: the kingdom needs an heir, but the gold-spinning stranger can’t take a child she doesn’t have.

While Axel longs for the stage, he can’t ignore the fact that his kingdom needs him, little as he feels qualified. He tries to shield Katy from the trouble brewing in the council, but more accidents at the theater, a curse no one remembers until it breaks, and physical danger mix with the secret she is hiding.

Can Katy find a way to save their child? Or will the troubles in the kingdom pull her and her husband down with them?

Spirits and Pacts is part two of a clean, no-spice retelling of Rumpelstiltskin and The Phantom of the Opera. It is the third book in The Roumaterra Chronicles, a series of interconnected, standalone fairy tale retellings perfect for readers of Brittany Fichter, Celeste Baxendell, and Annette K. Larsen.

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