
Love on a Whim ~ Review

Love on a Whim
Cape Cod Creamery #3
By Suzanne Woods Fisher

First off I have to say I just love the cover of this book - the cake, the pastel colors of sunrise (or sunset) it just drew me to the book. Yes, I know don't judge a book by it cover but it can certainly be the first step towards picking out a book. And this cover does the book justice as the author takes us back to Cape Cod for a third visit. This time Dawn Dixon's BFF Brynn Haywood is the central character.

Brynn has done something totally out of character - she got married to a man she met hours before. Yikes! And that's exactly how she's now feeling. And Dawn, being Dawn, wants to fix everything, even if it means ignoring everything Brynn wants. Because Dawn knows best, even if everyone else thinks she basically a control freak. 

But Brynn's arrival in Cape Cod couldn't have come at a better time as Linc Hayes, the Dixon family friend, estranged family is "in town" for Linc's daughter's wedding. Can you see where this is going? Yeah, everyone is going to have to pitch in to pull off this wedding, because there is a mom-zilla of the bride thing going on. And all the while Brynn is trying to figure out just where she wants her life to be headed.

This is the final book in the series, but it can be read as a standalone title if you haven't read the previous books. It was actually really good and it was interesting to see Dawn in action again. I have to admit I would not want her for a friend - I can just imagine what she'd find wrong with my life (inner cringe) and want to fix. I love how Cape Cod brought changes to the lives of so many, by visiting they were able to take a look at their lives from a different perspective and "reset" their lives so to speak. And did I mention I love the cover!

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Brynn Haywood's impulsive marriage to a man she'd known less than 24 hours leaves her with deep regret. She flees to Cape Cod, finding refuge with her loyal friend, Dawn Dixon. As Brynn grapples with her emotions, Dawn acts swiftly, eager to help secure a lawyer for her through her mother Marnie's good friend, Lincoln Hayes. However, Lincoln's preoccupation with his daughter's lavish wedding brings unexpected challenges.

The arrival of Lincoln's estranged son, Bear Hayes, stirs the waters further. Alarmed by his father's extravagant generosity toward the Dixon family, Bear ignites friction between Marnie and Lincoln. As the wedding day arrives, Lincoln vanishes--and an unwelcome guest makes a surprise appearance.

Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher delights with this sweet story of love, family, and the unpredictability of life.

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