
A Lady Most Untamed ~ Review

A Lady Most Untamed
A Grimm Regency Tale
By Amanda Panhorst

I loved this story. I loved Arthur Fairhurst's character, who was uncomfortable with the public expectations of his role as a duke and being in the public eye, in contrast to his sister Fanny, who seemed to revel in public spectacle. 

All Arthur seems to enjoy is studying nature, which he can observe in the isolation of his estate. But all that ends when a young woman is found trespassing on his estate. Worse, she has decided to take up residence in the forest. Why would a single woman who is obviously a gypsy take up residence in his forest? Being who he is, Arthur decides to "study" the situation.

Mara Boswell has taken refuge in a hidden area of a forest. She is hiding from those who have caused her great pain. She is wary of anyone who approaches. The only one she lets near is her deerhound. This young woman and her unusual ways intrigue Arthur, and he wants to get to know her better, but not as the duke but as himself, as Arthur.

What follows is a delightful story of discovery and friendship. However, I have to be honest: the fairy tale it was based on was one I was unfamiliar with, so I can't compare the original with this story. But regardless, I have no qualms about recommending this sweet story, which I feel is appropriate for tweens and up.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations, but to provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Arthur Fairhurst is a terrible duke. Jumpy and nervous around others, he prefers hiding away in his Northumberland forest collecting, sketching, and researching all the wildlife he can find, trying to satiate his inexhaustible curiosity. So when his gamekeeper informs him of a gypsy girl and her dog hiding away in his woods, curiosity demands he find out everything he can about her before telling her to move on. Dressed as a plain woodsman, Arthur gains her trust little by little, and is surprised by the things the gypsy girl, Mara, brings out in him.

Mara Boswell discovered long ago that she cannot depend on anyone but herself. Driven by tragedy, she has roamed here and there all around England, always on the move, running from those who would find her and hurt her once more. Thinking she has found a safe haven at last in the dense forests of Northumberland, she is informed by a woodsman that she is trespassing, and not just on any lands, but a duke’s.

Loath to move on again, she agrees to a bargain to talk about her gypsy life in exchange for permission to stay in the forest unmolested. The opportunity is too good to pass up, and Mara begins to see that not everyone is out to do her harm. That certain people would love and protect her if she would only let them.

This series reimagines classic Grimm Brother tales as Regency romances. Sit back, grab a hot chocolate, and enjoy these stories of sweet romance and loveable characters.

A Grimm Regency Tale series
* A Lady Most Engaged by Audrey Glenn
* A Lady Most Fitting by Sienna Peak
* A Lady Most Untamed by Amanda Panhorst
* A Lady Most Intrigued by Jenni Ward
* A Lady Most Entangled by Mary-Celeste Ricks
* A Lady Most Isolated by Heloise C. Kensington
* A Lady Most Alluring by Amy Newbold

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