
Between Sound and Sea ~ Review

Between Sound and Sea
By Amanda Cox

This is a split-time story centered around a now abandoned lighthouse. A lighthouse that hides secrets. Joey Harris's life is in shambles thanks to rumors that have basically put her business out of commission, but she's managed to snag a chance to restore a lighthouse that Walt ornate has purchased because of his past connections with it and its occupants in the 1940s.

I love the glimpses into the past as this story unfolds. I'll the prologue was an interesting hook that drew me in. I wanted to know who the old woman was and who the boy she was telling the story to was.

Overall this was a really good read. There was enough mystery to keep my attention and I loved how Joey was able to rise up above the mess and rebuild her life. And then Walt's grandson Finn, at first I wasn't sure if he'd be someone I'd like, he was SO different from his grandfather.

They say don't judge a book by its cover but this one is a great match. I highly recommend this book. I think it would be well suited for a bookclub.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

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