
Rocky Mountain Journey ~ Review

Rocky Mountain Journey
Sisters of the Rockies #3
By Misty M. Beller
Narrated by Pilar Witherspoon

Faith Collins is tired of her older sisters putting the search for Steps Right off until the time is right. But Faith can't keep putting off her father's dying request. She has to return the beaded necklace to the woman who saved her father's life all those years ago. Faith has a plan to search for Steps Right now rather than at some unknown future time.

Grant Allen has been searching for his younger brother, Will. Years ago, they were separated when their parents died, but he finally has a place to look. Even better, a group of trappers is willing to help him get where he needs to go in exchange for some work on the way. When Grant notices someone who seems familiar, he's not sure who it is or even where he saw the person before, not until they are well on their way. But when he does, he knows he needs to protect Faith.

As Grant and Faith join together in their searches to fulfill promises they made, they find danger following them. The question is who is following them and why. Are they both the target? Or just one of them?

This is the third and final book in the Sisters of the Rockies series, which follows the Collins sisters, who moved from Virginia to the Rockies in the hopes of fulfilling their promise to fulfill their father's dying wish. In my opinion, this book reads better if one has read the previous books in the series, not that you can't enjoy it without reading them. 

In addition to reading this book, I enjoyed it as an audiobook. Pilar Witherspoon's narration is well presented and brings the story out in an easy-to-follow reading. The story has good pacing, and the characters are distinguishable in her telling. No matter how you enjoy this book, it makes a great weekend read or weekday commute listen. I highly recommend it to fans of historical fiction.

I was provided a complimentary print copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own. 

About the Book

Masquerading as a man, Faith Collins embarks on a perilous journey through the untamed wilderness of the Rocky Mountains in search of the Peigan Blackfoot woman who once saved her father's life. She joins a group of trappers who may be able to lead her to the place the woman is hiding, but keeping Faith's identity a secret proves more difficult than she imagined.

Grant Allen is searching for his younger brother, who was separated from him when their parents died many years ago. After receiving word that his brother went west to the Rockies, he unites with a group of trappers, hoping they can lead him to his brother's location. Soon, Grant realizes there's a woman hiding among the men, and he's determined to find out who she is, what she's hiding, and how he can keep her safe in this country of wild animals and even wilder men.

In this rousing conclusion to her Sisters of the Rockies series, Misty M. Beller embarks on an adventurous journey where loyalty, love, and sacrifice intertwine amid the unforgiving frontier.


USA Today
 bestselling author Misty M. Beller  (MistyMBeller.com) writes romantic mountain stories set on the 1800s frontier and woven through with the truth of God's love. Her Southern roots run deep, and she lives in South Carolina with her husband and children. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed the book and hope your followers do, too! Thanks for sharing with everyone! Misty


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