
Beneath a Crescent Shadow ~ Review

Beneath a Crescent Shadow
The Balkan Legends #1
A.L. Sowards

This is such a good book. I don't think I've ever read a book set in 14th Century Serbia before. Yes, I had World History in High School and it touched on the Ottoman Empire, but this book takes all those dry facts and dates giving it depth, making one care. Now don't misunderstand me, I loved history class but to make one care about the people involved and empathize with the trials they faced is special.

The story opens with Konstantin facing ruin. His lands have been attacked, famine seems almost certain, and paying the upcoming tribute impossible. His only hope is a bride with a rich dowry, which is arranged for him by his grandfather to a young woman named Suzana.

Suzana's life has been hard. Her father has made her feel worthless and unloved. Her only worth is in her dowry and whatever alliance she may bring to her father through it. And she carries the pain of her past and the abuse she suffered with her. What she never expected was to win her husband's love.

But happiness doesn't seem to be assured as war seperates Konstantin and Suzana. Both experience great tragedy that affects them deeply. So deeply that it could utterly destroy what they have if they can survive what is coming.

This is the first book in the Balkan Legends series and I confess, I'm eagerly awaiting what is to come next in the series. This is a well-written book with compelling characters. Highly recommend it to fans of Medieval Historical Fiction or Eastern European Historical Fiction,

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I share my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

About the Book:
After an arranged marriage, Konstantin and Suzana must find a way to meet 
the demands of a conquering Ottoman sultan amid a torrent of setbacks and 
dangers much closer to their Balkan home.

The Balkans, 1373

A devastating battle claimed the lives of Konstantin's father, uncle, and most of their Serb army, leaving him to rule as a vassal of the Ottoman sultan, a role he is wholly unprepared for. Between war, famine, and a persistent band of brigands, Konstantin is nearly bankrupt. He will need to find a wealthy bride to marry if he is to have any hope of saving his lands and securing his future.

A betrothal to Suzana, the daughter of a prosperous merchant, is soon arranged, and upon meeting her, Konstantin immediately feels hope that their marriage could someday grow into love. Yet, from the moment of Konstantin and Suzana's betrothal, enemies threaten their lives, outlaws prey on their lands, and the terrors of Suzana's abusive past haunt their fragile new relationship. As this onslaught of threats closes in, the two face challenges that will test their love, their faith, and their hope to save their people and win their freedom from the heavy weight of Ottoman oppression.

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