
A Refuge Assured ~ Review

A Refuge Assured
By Jocelyn Green

Vivienne Rivard's profession has marked her. Her skill in lacemaking has linked her to the France Monarchy. And at this time of revolution and unrest, this very skill could see her before the guillotine. But with familial ties keeping her in Paris, each day could very well be the one that sees her life ending. But when her ties are cut, Vivienne must flee the land of her birth. Joining the exodus of French refugees she finds herself in America, a land known for its own revolution just years before.

But this land in which she seeks peace and refuge is suffering its own pains. Freedom hasn't come to mean the same thing to all who call America home. Some have found themselves facing yet again unfair taxation - taxation that is proving oppressive. Having served with Washington and Hamilton during the War for Independence Liam Delaney can see both sides of the issue but with his family being worn down by the Whiskey Tax he has sympathies with their plight. And the useless French nobility that has descended upon the country tries him and he groups Vivienne in with them. But soon he realizes that Vivienne is more than he first assumed.

A Refugee Assured introduces the reader to a lesser known period of American history when liberty was experiencing some bumps in the road. The needs of the nation were at times at odds with the people who helped bring it into being. The Whiskey Rebellion which is explored here sees taxation upon goods that have been made but not yet sold or traded. It is interesting to see that the issues that were at the heart of conflict here are often the same issues that play a part in today's world.

There is a touch of a mystery surrounding a young boy whom Vivienne assumes responsibility for. Is he or isn't he the young prince Louis-Charles? This very intrigue places the life of Vivienne and those around her in danger as those who support the Revolution take an interest in her and her young charge. Those who read The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz will enjoy this book that focuses on a young woman who is skilled in the art of making lace whose very world is shaken to its core.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher Bethany House through their blogger program with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Book:
Fleeing One Revolution to the Aftermath of Another, 

She Seeks and Dreams of Peace

Lacemaker Vivienne Rivard never imagined her craft could threaten her life. Yet in revolutionary France, it is a death sentence when the nobility, and those associated with them, are forced to the guillotine. Vivienne flees to Philadelphia, but danger lurks in the French Quarter, as revolutionary sympathizers begin to suspect a young boy left in her care might be the Dauphin. Can the French settlement Asylum offer permanent refuge?

Militiaman Liam Delaney proudly served in the American Revolution, but now that the new government has imposed an oppressive tax that impacts his family, he barely recognizes the democracy he fought for. He wants only to cultivate his hard-won farm near Asylum, but he soon finds himself drawn into the escalating tension of the Whiskey Rebellion. When he meets a beautiful young Frenchwoman recently arrived from Paris, they are drawn together in surprising ways to fight for the peace and safety for which they long.

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