By Paulette Bogan
Flossy is just plain bossy, there is no other way to describe her. She bosses around her toys, her kitty, her mom (which didn't end well Flossy ended up in TROUBLE), her classmates, and her teacher (another not so good idea on Flossy's part). It seems as if Flossy is on a path to stardom as the world's bossiest person.
But one day everything changes - she meets Edward and the title for bossiest kid in the world is up for grabs! But sometimes the best way to end bossiness is to experience for yourself and be on the receiving end of all the pushiness.
This is a cute book that is perfect for teaching an important lesson about being a person other people enjoy being around. Friendship is a give-and-take type relationship and no one like always being told you have to do it this way. Suggestions are welcomed but takeovers aren't.
This book is also a great way to explain to siblings that just because something works for them this won't necessarily work for bother or sister.
The reader could also discuss the book with their child asking how they would feel if Flossy came in and took over what they were working on or playing at. This is a perfect learning resource at home, school, or daycare situation.
I was provided a copy of this book through iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review and tour participation.
Flossy is the bossiest girl around. She's bossy at home and she's bossy in school. She's bossy to her friends and she's bossy to her cat. Sometimes she's even bossy to her teacher! Flossy doesn't understand why no one will listen to her. One day, Flossy meets Edward, a boy who may be just as bossy as she is. Has Flossy finally met her match?

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Author's Bio:
Paulette Bogan admits she was bossy as a child. She is the author and illustrator of Virgil and Owen, which was chosen as one of Bank Street Best Children's books of the Year 2016, Virgil & Owen Stick Together, which won a Mom's Choice Award Gold Medal for Picture Books, and Lulu The Big Little Chick, which won a Children's Choice Book Award. She lives in New York City with her husband, three daughters, and two dogs. They ALL think she is STILL bossy. But they've never told her to go to her room!
Bossy Flossy, Virgil and Owen, and
Virgil and Owen Stick Together
Virgil and Owen Stick Together
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