by Donna Stanley
When we pray for the supernatural, why are we surprised when it actually shows up?
Olivia Stanton is being watched. When she leaves school there is a really (in her opinion) hot guy who is waiting in the school parking lot and he seems to be waiting for her to come. He doesn't speak to her just watches.
But on the third day it all changes. When it seems that he is actually following her in his car. Olivia drives for all she's worth to lose him and in the process loses her self and runs out of fuel. With no where to go and no where to turn to for help can she trust this stranger who has been totally creeping her out?
But when her would-be abductor offers to run home (which is just down the road) and get her some gas Olivia is embarrassed and decides she needs to watch fewer horror movies.
When Mike returns with the offered gas, Olivia feels a connection as if he is someone she has known for years rather than someone she has just met.
When Mike and his car just suddenly disappear while Olivia isn't watching she remembers a sermon that she heard the previous Sunday about entertaining angels unaware. Could Mike have been sent to help her in a time of need? An angel who was sent to provide her with the means to get home and answer to her prayers?
New Wings is different than the other angel books that have recently hit the market in that Olivia is not an angel whose identity has been hidden from her. This title deals with issues that teens are today dealing with. It doesn't sensationalize the issues making it glamorous so teens will want to take part in these activities.
This is a spiritual book that deals with the power of prayer when we are faced with the powers of darkness. Prayer is one of the most important weapons we can wield when we go into battle as it is our line of communication with our Commander and our Lord.
This is the perfect YA book for those that want something more than the typical teen angst driven books. Read it yourself and give it as a gift!
I received a copy of New Wings through Glass Roads Public Relations and Creation House in exchange for my honest review.
About New Wings
Olivia Stanton always knew that the Bible says guardian angels exist. But, in all her seventeen years, she assumed they only showed up when people were dying or needed rescue from sudden disaster. Her assumption is shattered with the appearance of her own guardian angel - in the form of good-looking Mike, no less. As Olivia gets to know Mike, more and more of her misconceptions about the spiritual realms are revealed. And, as her spiritual eyes are opened to the presence of angels all around, she'll find they can be good or evil.
About Donna Stanley
Donna Stanley lives in the beautiful Endless Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, Jonathan, and their teenage daughter, Olivia. She attended Philadelphia Biblical University, Moody Bible Institute, and Mansfield University, where she studied angelology, demonology, and the anthropology of religion. She was a youth leader for ten years and a pastor's wife for sixteen years. She now serves as a young adult mentor and leader in her local church.
Learn more about Donna by visiting her website:
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