Searching for God in the aftermath of war...
aftermath of war destroyed her mother's faith that God could ever
exist. After losing several babies during the hardships and
struggles of the war years each following pregnancy was a emotional
and physical burden because the fear of another loss.
money and food scarce as her parents managed the carnival, Sonja
struggled to feel worthy of earning her parents love. She also desired a close relationship with her siblings or a friend, but traveling to a new town every week stood in the way of a lasting, permanent friendship. But the
year she turned eight Sonja's life changed – she found God and the
love of Jesus. Though her mother disapproved of belief in God, Sonja
grew in her faith. Her prayers brought the peace of God to her
Carnival Girl is a look at life both in the present and to the past that shapes us. We are shaped by our experiences and how we respond to them. Sonja is on a journey, a journey of discovery. She is finally able to see her mother for who she is and was. Both women were shaped by the hurt that the experienced in their early years. But unlike her mother, Sonja went in search of God and found Him.
Join Sonja as she takes you on a journey through life with a destination that is life changing.
I received a digital copy of this title from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Author Interview with Sonja Herbert
First off Sonja, I'd like to thank you for taking the time for this interview and for inviting me to be part of this blog tour for Carnival Girl: Searching for God in the Aftermath of War.
1) For you what was the most moving aspect of writing Carnival Girl?
2) Who did you write this memoir for? Is it for a Mormon audience or is it for anyone seeking God?
Actually, as I wrote it, I wrote it for myself and my family. Now that I look back on it, I think it’s a very good read for anyone who is seeking God, not just LDS people. God loves us all, no matter who we are.
3) How much did living in a post-war environment prepare you and your heart for the message that you heard?
Maybe I was lucky that I was born after the war. My mother is still agnostic, convinced that a loving God would never allow such things as she saw during the war to happen. I’ve believed in God and Christ from the moment I first heard about them as a little child.
4) If there was only one thing readers take away from Carnival Girl what would you want that to be?
The conviction that God loves them, no matter who or where they are!
5) Do you have a favorite genre or a favorite author? What draws you to this genre or author?
I love Science Fiction, and my favorite author is Isaak Asimov. It’s the possibilities that draw me, the feeling that anything is possible, that a person can be anything they really want.
6) As a writer is there something you wish someone would ask you about your writing and how would you answer this question?
The question would be “How do you start writing a book?” I would answer, “First, I plot a rough outline of how I want the story to read. In the case ofCarnival Girl, I decided on beginning each chapter with a small section of a present visit with my mother. I did that before I even started writing. Then I wrote each chapter and tried to keep it in time order. It worked for me, but might not work for everyone!”
Again thank you for your time Sonja and for providing us with a little further insight into the author behind the book.
Want to learn more about Sonja and Carnival Girl?
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~ Blooming with Books